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What exactly is Reviews Management?

In this lesson, you will learn how our Marketing Strategists are trained to respond to reviews, whether they’re positive or negative, with unique responses that address the customer’s comments. We can also help businesses get more reviews from their existing customers.
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Review Responses

Responding to customer reviews is extremely important to build a strong online reputation. Unfortunately, many business owners don’t have the time and tools to go through their online reviews. With this service, our marketing strategists will be in charge of responding to both positive and negative reviews.
Review Requests

Online reviews are important for businesses, but they don’t come easy. With Review Requests, our marketing strategists can help your clients get more reviews. They just have to provide a list with customer contact information and we’ll send them an email or SMS to request reviews.

How do we manage reviews for your business?


We’ll have an onboarding call with the SMB to get access to their listings sites.


Before we respond to reviews, we need to gain access and connect the SMB's review sites.


We collect information about the SMB as well as their preferred language and response style.

We'll monitor the SMB’s listings sites using Reputation Management, our proprietary software.


We respond to positive reviews as they come. For negative reviews, we send an email with the responses for approval.


Partners and SMBs can see reviews and mentions using Reputation Management and the Executive Report.


A few common questions...

Are there any required products?

We require Reputation Manager for Review Responses, and Customer Voice for Review Requests. Task Manager also needs to be active in the account.

What sites do we monitor for reviews?

We can monitor multiple sites, including: Facebook, Google, Bing, Yelp,, and TripAdvisor. We don't respond to reviews on Glassdoor.

Is there a limit of reviews we'll respond to?

Currently, there is no limit of reviews we respond to. However, if we identify an excessive number of reviews that requires additional resources, we may reach out to you to discuss the situation.